Enhanced MIL-STD-1553 Test & Simulation Features for Production Test Labs!
Data Device Corporation (DDC) adds enhanced test and simulation functionality to the BU-67210T cPCI/PXI MIL-STD-1553 test card. In addition to variable output voltage, variable intermessage gap time, and error injection, the BU-67210T now offers enhanced triggering capability that can be used to trigger external devices in real time based on user defined events, making it a highly adaptable solution for production test labs. The BU-67210T offers one to four MIL-STD-1553 channels, and sixteen discrete I/O.
- Advanced Triggering Capability
- Start BC Activity on a Trigger Input in Real-Time
- Generate a Trigger Output in Response to a 1553 Message Error
- Time Tagging of Trigger Inputs
- Deterministic and Low Latency Trigger Characteristics
- Variable Intermessage Gap Time
- Error Injection
- Variable Output Voltage to Accurately Test Out of Bounds Responses
“The addition of these highly flexible test and simulation features enables the BU-67210T card to handle all the dynamic test demands of production test labs, making it an ideal single card MIL-STD-1553 test and verification solution”, stated Sean Sleicher, DDC’s Data Bus Marketing Manager.