
New Dual - Polar Base Station MIMO Sector Antenna Range from Cobham

Cobham Antenna Systems, a market-leading supplier of antennas, has developed a range of dual-polar MIMO sector antennas covering the UHF, 2GHz, 3GHz, 4GHz and 5GHz bands. The range offers excellent coverage (azimuth beamwidths 60°, 90° and 120°) with peak gains of 14 - 17dBi.

All antennas in the product range include interleaved vertical and horizontal (V&H) polarised antenna elements within a single aperture. This results in very compact, lightweight units with rugged and UV stable radomes.

Performance across the range is excellent and extremely consistent, as are the radiation patterns for a single antenna and also across polarisations. This makes the range an ideal choice for system roll-outs, even if frequencies are likely to change during planning processes.

The range also offers multiple benefits to installers and operators including: Reduced tower wind-loading (compared with two separate antennas); Lower cost for installation; Lower cost for tower rental; Lower cost for transport.

For more information, datasheets, or variants please contact Cobham Antenna Systems:
T: +44 (0)1638 732177

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Cobham Antenna Systems - Microwave Antennas
Lambda House
United Kingdom

+44 (0)1638 732177
+44 (0)1638 731999

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