
Smart Protocol Converter!

Data Device Corporation (DDC) introduces the AceXtreme® Bridge Device to translate avionics messages in real-time between MIL-STD-1553, ARINC 429, and Ethernet in any direction, without a host computer. With an onboard Intel® Atom™ processor, two Ethernet channels, two MIL-STD-1553 and six ARINC 429 channels, the AceXtreme® Bridge Device is a highly flexible and cost effective solution for both Rugged Embedded Applications and Test and Integration labs.

The AceXtreme® Bridge Device

In protocol conversion mode, the onboard processor autonomously converts messages from any input to any output without the need for a host computer. In remote access mode, a host computer can communicate with the device over Ethernet to remotely access data from a MIL-STD-1553 or ARINC 429 data bus. DDC also provides a complete software development kit common across all platforms to simplify software development efforts, and a high level bridging API to conveniently map bits from one protocol to another for autonomous protocol conversion.

Benefits include:

  • No Host Computer Required to Bridge between Ethernet, MIL-STD-1553, and/or ARINC 429
  • Easy Remote Access to 429 or 1553 Data from Ethernet
  • 28 VDC Input Power, per MIL-STD-704 & MIL-STD-1275
    • 120/240V 50-60Hz Wall Adapter Available
  • Compatible with DDC’s Complete Line of Advanced Bus Analysis Software

“Many avionic platforms today are integrating Ethernet alongside ARINC 429 and MIL-STD-1553 to meet the increasing and varying data demands onboard the aircraft. Now, with the AceXtreme® Bridge Device, messages can be seamlessly translated from one protocol to another, streamlining integration efforts”, stated Sean Sleicher, DDC’s Data Bus Marketing Manager.

“The powerful Remote Access dual-functionality of the AceXtreme® Bridge Device can also reduce cabling requirements in production test labs, system integration labs, and simulators by allowing the device to be located near test applications with easy access to MIL-STD-1553 and ARINC data provided by a single, efficient Ethernet connection”, stated George Los, DDC’s Data Bus Product Manager.

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Data Device Corporation
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