Recent Projects

Projects undertaken by The Defence Design Agency


DDA assist Horstman at DSEI 2019

The Defence Design Agency were once again asked to assist Horstman with their exhibition stand, this time it was for DSEI 2019. The stand graphics were a stunning 5 X 3 metre ‘L’ shaped configuration which had to convey their world’s widest range of Hydrostruts and the formidable vehicles that they manufacture and supply for. It also had to communicate their mobility solutions for commercial…

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The Exsel Group

DDA create stand graphics and marketing material for The Exsel Group exhibition

The Defence Design Agency create stand graphics and marketing material for The Exsel Group exhibition at Three Counties Defence & Security Expo 2019. The Exsel Group is a leading independent defence technology solutions company. Providing integrated blast and ballistic engineering solutions, electronic and mechanical systems and support services to Defence and Industry where protection,…

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Valent Applications

Valent Applications - Exhibit at DSEI with help from DDA

Valent Applications have been showing off their latest brand offensive with the expert help and guidance of The Defence Design Agency

Innovation is a key attribute of the success of Qioptiq along with highly skilled and motivated engineers and designers who are customer focused. With world class capability in design, coupled with international award winning technical achievement, Qioptiq has demonstrated repeatedly an ability to convert technical innovation into producible cost-effective designs.

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