Northrop Grumman - Unmanned Ground Systems

Northrop Grumman’s heritage in unmanned ground systems began with the challenges encountered by UK MoD Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) personnel in addressing the terrorist threat in the early 1970s.
From very simple beginnings, the first Wheelbarrow bomb disposal vehicles were developed and have evolved with advances in technology offering increased capability to the EOD operator. The Wheelbarrow has now developed to Mk9, and is regarded by EOD specialists’ world-wide as the most capable and reliable unmanned vehicle available.
Today multi layered solutions from detection and planning to response and destruction,  are designed to offer all EOD team users a modern, fast, reliable and effective solution to combat the latest threats associated with today’s modern IEDs.



  • Improved range and video quality up to 1km with fully secured digital wireless communication
  • Arm Speed, Terrain Mobility over x4 faster than other UGVs up to 12 (kph) Kerb climb 0.3 (m)
  • Stair Climb 37°, Gap Cross 0.5 (m), Self-righting capability, Pitch and roll sensors along with Load cells provide auto stability system
  • Tool rack with Automatic tool change for 8 tools/weapons no need to return to control point for new tools.
  • 9 degrees of freedom modular arm – the most versatile capability in the world, can be exchanged for a heavy duty arm capable of lifting 100(kg) or handling large weapon shocks.
  • All cameras are colour and come with lighting this combined with onboard microphone give superb situational awareness.
  • Dedicated data channel for additional sensors (Ethernet speed), tested with multiple CBRN equipment deployment.
  • Environmentally suitable for all climates. -15°C to +60°C dust/rain, vibration, shock certificated, fording depth 0.3(m)

Wheelbarrow Heritage

Today, at our facility in Coventry, we have created a centre of expertise for the systems design, integration and assembly of some of the most trusted unmanned ground vehicles. Our heritage has been built on providing the most capable and recognisable remote controlled bomb disposal platform the ‘Wheelbarrow’ to the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD).


  • Wireless hand controller; joystick vehicle control
  • Improved range and video quality
  • Dedicated data channel for additional sensors
  • Low profile 3 fingered gripper with integral ceramic cutter
  • Tested with multiple CBRN equipment deployment
  • 7 weapon firing releases – offers a large variety of tool installation without the need to change mid-operation

Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD)

The capability of the Wheelbarrow platform and its unmatched performance has directly led to its international success and it is still in active service world-wide as the platform of dependable choice by the most demanding and dedicated EOD/Counter-Improvised Explosive Device (CIED) teams.

Recently, we launched the Wheelbarrow Mk9 as the latest platform with its combined strengths of speed, climbing, lift and payload capacity. This has been enhanced to improve the ease of operator use with digital command links, intuitive touch-screen controls and sensors for improved situational awareness.

F6 Series

  • Dual mobility capability
  • Manipulator arm with 7 degrees of freedom
  • JAUS ( Joint Architecture for Unmanned System) software operating system
  • Multi-mission tool/sensor mounts with plug and play capabilities
  • Rotation: grip rotation – continuous 360°
  • On screen graphics showing vehicle orientation, feedback from on-board sensors and errors and failures of joints


HD Series

  • Grip rotation 360°
  • Common, modular electronics with JAUS (Joint Architecture for Unmanned System) compliant software
  • Moulded front-drive range integrates microphone, speaker, drive camera, firing circuits and LED lighting
  • Quick release lithium polymer battery
  • New manipulator options with 6 degrees of freedom and quick release gripper/tool system


  • New manipulator design with all internal components provides superior capability, in a quick release, versatile package
  • State of the art diagnostics and troubleshooting including on-board diagnostics LCD screen
  • Quick-release articulators provide unmatched stair climbing & mobility, or can be removed for narrow spaces.
  • Quick release pan and tilt can be removed with a twist of the wrist for low clearance areas.
  • Optional tazer and thermal imager
  • Integrated 1W or 5W radio for clear audio and video
  • Picatinny rails for sensor & payload attachment

ANDROS™ Unmanned Ground Vehicles

As part of Northrop Grumman, Remotec US Inc. manufacture the ANDROSTM range of EOD unmanned ground vehicles. Outside of the Americas, Remotec UK Ltd markets the latest developed ANDROSTM F6 Series Model no. CX ( also known as the F6B) and HD Model no. SEL.

The larger ANDROSTM F6B platform offers a dual mobility capability: quick release pneumatic wheels for rapid width reduction and patented articulating track to traverse rough terrain.


It has a manipulator arm with 7 degrees of freedom ensuring optimum dexterity and offers screen graphics showing vehicle orientation, feedback from on-board sensors and errors and failures of joints.

The medium sized ANDROSTM HD SEL model is a more compact and robust vehicle that can travel up to speeds of 8.4km/hr and has an extremely durable moulded front-drive range integrating a microphone, speaker, drive camera, firing circuits and LED  lighting.

Moving into CBRN and Integrated Solutions

It is has been our privilege to work and partner with the EOD/IED teams and to understand their complex mission objectives in a turbulent and evolving threat environment.  We can provide technical solutions from our increasing range of vehicles that can be configured according to the operational requirements of the user including EOD, ground surveillance, hazardous material (HazMat) and chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) missions.  Furthermore we are now providing bespoke system solutions, integrating our unmanned ground vehicles with command and control systems, the TouchTable® collaborative environment and service support vehicles to produce a standalone mobile capability for locating, identifying and disarming explosive and other hazardous devices, collecting forensic evidence and carrying out criminological analyses.

Northrop Grumman Corporation is a leading global security company whose 120,000 employees provide innovative systems, products, and solutions in aerospace, electronics, information systems, shipbuilding and technical services to government and commercial customers worldwide.


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Contact Details

Unit 5, Quinn Close
Manor Park
United Kingdom

+44 2476 516000


Valent Applications Ltd

Valent Applications Ltd are inventors, manufacturers and developers of specialist equipment for EOD and CBRN environments. We have a flair for thinking differently with the ethos “we will find a way or make one”. Our expertise is varied, with backgrounds in explosives, EOD/IEDD, engineering, electronics and chemistry.

How We Work

Our work is underpinned by 4 key ideas;

  • Invention
  • Expertise & Experience
  • Persistence
  • Flexibility

We do have a genuinely different approach. Through our operational experience we know it is not good enough to just think about our part in the process. An EOD team has work through many different steps when dealing with a device and our work is designed to be as focused on the user’s goal as they are.

CBW Sampling and Disposal

Monica Remote Case Entry Systems

Innovation at the Core

Innovation is an overused word these days but at Valent Applications Ltd we can proudly say we deserve it. In 2006 our Monica Remote Case Entry system was awarded the Queens Award for Innovation. So it is nice to know Her Majesty agrees.

Who We Work With

We have worked with the military for over 20 years producing equipment that exceeds user’s requirements. A look at our client list reveals just how demanding those requirements can be.

  • UK Military EOD/CT teams
  • SIBCRA teams
  • US Military EOD/WMD units
  • Swedish EOD units
  • CBW Disposal organisations
  • UNMOVIC missions
  • Special Forces
  • Classified clients

Our reputation ensures we continue to have excellent relationships with some of the world’s most elite military and civilian response units.

The Advantages of Invasive Technology

Sampling and Disposal of Hazardous Sealed Vessels and Systems

Valent Applications Ltd has built its reputation in the field of invasive technologies for the investigation and disposal of CB devices. Disposal of these devices presents two distinct challenges;

  • What is inside them
  • How to dispose of them without contaminating the surrounding area

There are many non-invasive techniques on the market but most are ineffective at handling sealed containers. Those that can “see” inside can be easily fooled. Complete certainty is only achieved by the analysis of a physical sample from inside the device. The problem is how to do that without allowing the contents to contaminate the adjoining environment.

Additionally, non-invasive techniques do not assist when tackling the second issue. Where a device cannot be moved it must be disposed of in-situ. Near sensitive targets blowing in place (BIP) is not an option as it will simply do the terrorists job for them. In these circumstances invasive technology provides a vital capability.

Not only can it penetrate any device without releasing the contents but it allows operators to sample, drain, neutralize and investigate devices through one hole with no risk to the surrounding area. All this can be done minutes after arrival on-site. In addition, preservation of the device allows for excellent evidential collection to assist criminal investigations and prosecutions.

CBRN and EOD Products

Valent Applications Ltd has a wide range of specialist EOD and CBRN equipment. Our range includes;

CBR EOD – Investigation and Disposal Equipment

  • In-situ sampling & disposal of CB munitions and IEDs
  • Any agent, target, size, shape or material
  • Fast, safe investigation and disposal

Valent Applications Ltd lead the way in developing equipment which can invasively interrogate and dispose of a wide range of munitions and other vessels. This ranges from our flagship Monica system for CBEOD operations to the hand held Midas system for rapid sampling of sealed containers.

CBRN Disposal and Containment Systems

  • Portable equipment for draining and decontamination of CB devices

Our MATS equipment offers a unique capability for the draining and decontamination of munitions in-situ. Additionally we have a range of portable containment systems for the transportation of hazardous materials.

EOD Equipment

  • Innovative Solutions to EOD Challenges

At Valent Applications Ltd we pride ourselves on looking at conventional EOD problems slightly differently. From our unique MATE Trepanning system, which cuts disposal times in half, to our Matilda Fuze Removal system we have a range of equipment which significantly assists EOD operations.


We know that our clients will use our equipment in harsh environments. Our support is more than a free phone number. Firstly, all our kit can be maintained by the operator in the field, saving time and cost. Secondly, our kit comes with spares as standard items to minimise downtime. Additionally, our teams will deploy in theatre to assist with maintenance if necessary. We also offer full servicing and upgrades packages, depending on user requirements.


Our equipment always comes fully supported by a comprehensive training package. In our time we have trained units in theatre all over the world. The training covers operational use and in-unit servicing. In addition we offer specialist training on many aspects of EOD and CBRN.



Lightweight CW Access System

The Aardvark system offers an easy to use, safe way to investigate & dispose of CW hazards, in sealed containers and munitions.

Safety: The Aardvark system puts operator safety first and foremost.

• Can handle elevated target pressures
• Seal testing prior to drilling to minimise risk
• System stays sealed through all operations

Simple: CB operations are complex enough without having to think about the equipment.

• Very lightweight - easy to carry & set up in PPE
• Uses standard battery tools for operation
• Training can be completed in less than an hour

Versatile: Sample and empty the target through the same penetration.

• Can access a large range of target sizes
• Agnostic - can integrate with multiple CW pumps, destruction or storage systems.




Remote CW Access System The Challenge – to build a single system that could:

• Remotely access CWAs in sealed containers safely
• Offer complete system solution - access, sample, neutralise
• Be small & light enough to be carried in a small rucksack
• Offer a cost effective solution

The Valent Mamba product range offers the world’s first lightweight, remotely controlled system for the investigation and disposal of CBRN hazards.

After 18 months R&D effort Valent has squeezed a huge amount of capability into a very small device. 20 years of experience and knowledge has gone into incorporating the best ideas from previous work into a single system.

The system has been designed to offer the user:

• Reusability - to keep costs down reusable components are utilised as much as possible.
• Safe Operation - the access and all subsequent operations are completely sealed at all times.
• Remote Operation - the system can be operated from up to 20m away from the target
• Multi-role - targets can be sampled then emptied or backflushed through the same access point.
• Modularity - different baseplates allow the maximum number of targets to be attacked.

User Configured. Users are able to configure the Mamba system depending on their requirements and budget.



Make an Enquiry

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Contact Details

Valent Applications Ltd
West Midlands
United Kingdom

+44 (0) 1902 634051
+44 (0) 1902 634051



DefenCell - Rapidly deployed, lightweight, compact, non-metallic, earth filled protective barrier systems

DefenCell is a range of products that are designed and manufactured to provide protection for personnel, equipment and infrastructure against a wide selection of threats in the Security, Defence, Flood and Environmental sectors.

There are three main product groups in the DefenCell portfolio and a number of other complementary protection products available.

The products are:

  • DefenCell Barriers, non metallic cellular (Ballistic, Blast, HVM, UXO and Flood Protection),
  • DefenCell MAC, welded mesh gabions (Ballistic, Blast, HVM and Flood Protection).
  • DefenCell Profile, non metallic cellular (Hostile Vehicle Mitigation (HVM) Barriers, Berms)

DefenCell - Barriers - non metallic cellular (Ballistic, Blast, HVM, UXO and Flood Protection)

The DefenCell Barrier is the result of a decade long investment in research, development and testing to create one of the most effective and versatile expeditionary protection systems available. A well-proven cellular construction combined with the strong geotextile material makes DefenCell a durable but lightweight and compact solution that is easily filled to provide protection to personnel and infrastructure from a variety of threats.

Designed by Engineers for Engineers, DefenCell is being used to provide protection to troops in harsh and often remote operational environments and is ideal for a wide range of Military and Security applications. Taking advantage of the small logistical burden of DefenCell's light weight and compact packaging, typical uses include protective walls, perimeter security, entry control points, ranges  and training operations.

DefenCell - Profile - non metallic cellular (Hostile Vehicle Mitigation (HVM) Barriers, Berms)

DefenCell Profile is our cellular Hostile Vehicle Mitigation barrier, developed with advice from the UK Home Office, extensively tested in UK and USA and approved by CPNI (Centre for Protection of National Infrastructure) in UK and Dept of State in USA. It is the only CPNI approved geotextile barrier available and has been specified on many past, current and future security projects.

The increase in the threat from Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Devices (VBIED) and Hostile Vehicles has led to a need for effective protection systems to maintain maximum stand-off distance as well as blast mitigation in the event of an attack. DefenCell has been extensively and successfully tested against both VBIED and HVM and the cellular design dissipates energy along the length of the barrier very effectively.

DefenCell Profile is designed to provide perimeter security, from enhancing existing security systems and fences, to providing structural integrity to long perimeter barriers. DefenCell can be built to virtually any height and profiled to provide protection against specific threats. The Profile system has been successfully tested to UK PAS 68 Hostile Vehicle Protection standards and two standard versions are available to suit different threat levels. The ability of Profile to retain the suspect vehicle within the structure blocks a secondary attack.

DefenCell - MAC - welded mesh gabions (Ballistic, Blast, HVM and Flood Protection)

DefenCell MAC® is our range of protective welded mesh metal gabions lined with geotextile and supplied in several standard sizes and known in the US as the Expeditionary Barrier System (EBS). The EBS is available under long term contracts with US DOD and NATO procurement agencies and have been supplied to many other military forces, security services and NGO’s.

DefenCell MAC® gabions are filled with earth, sand or other locally available fill materials and provide ballistic protection, blast mitigation and HVM vehicle barriers. MAC can also be used for environmental applications and is ideal for flood protection.

DefenCell MAC® is constructed using the highest quality materials to established and tested standards by Maccaferri, the world's leading manufacturer of gabion structures, using heavily galvanised welded mesh panels combined with a heavy duty geotextile lining material created from UV resistant polymer fibre using the same advanced technology as the proven DefenCell fabrics.

DefenCell - Shooting Ranges - Government approved

Recent projects in USA, UK, France, Africa and South America for Ranges using DefenCell, emphasise the excellent value and versatility of the products.

The Africa and South America ranges were both designed by Government authorities  specifying DefenCell products. DefenCell has been approved by, and appears in the range design handbooks of, the National Rifle Associations in UK and USA.

DefenCell - UXO (Unexploded Ordnance)

Tested and certified for explosive containment, DefenCell has been approved by the prestigious US Dept of Defense Explosives Safety Board (DDESB). The requirements in the US for unexploded ordnance disposal are well documented as traditional ranges and training areas in US, Hawaii and other overseas locations are opened to public access and need to be cleared of old ordnance.  This is usually done by certified civilian contractors. 

Ongoing engagement by DefenCell experts with DDESB in USA and the NATO EOD Centre of Excellence in Slovak Republic maintain our solutions in the forefront.

DefenCell - NGO’s and Civil contractors - bunkers, observation posts, compartmentalisation and fuel & ammunition storage

DefenCell Barriers have been widely deployed by the various NGO in Somalia, S Sudan, Chad, Mali and DRC as well as several other global locations. The light weight and portability of the Barriers lends itself to remote and austere locations while the MAC is used consistently to build perimeter security as well as bunkers, observation posts, compartmentalisation and fuel & ammunition storage protection.


DefenCell T2 Barrier and DefenCell MAC FE 3 (Flood & Emergency)  have both been successfully tested by ERDC and offer a lightweight and proven solutions to flood, coastal erosion and critical infrastructure protection.

Civil Protection

Physical protection of critical infrastructure.  The DefenCell Profile product range is ideal for both overt and discreet requirements.  The products have been extensively trialled and tested to protect against specified threats including Vehicles, IED’s, and holds Internationally recognised certification.  (PAS68 etc).

Proven Customers include Power Stations, Fuel farms, Airports, Border and Immigration posts, Police Stations as well as oil and gas installations.

DefenCell - Testing - Blast Mitigation, Speeding Vehicles, UXO and Flood Barriers

DefenCell products have been extensively and successfully tested during development against Ballistic Threats (Small arms to Rockets), Blast Mitigation, Speeding Vehicles, UXO (unexploded ordnance) and as Flood Barriers (both operationally and in laboratory conditions). An ongoing programme of further testing is part of the continued development of DefenCell products.


Technical & Sales Support is provided by experienced Engineers with design and on-site installation advice supported by practical training and concise construction manuals and videos.


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Contact Details

Franklin House
151 Strand
United Kingdom

+44 20 7836 5746
+44 20 7836 2784


J & S Franklin Ltd

Was founded in 1946 and has over 60 years experience in the manufacture and supply of a wide range of Defence and Security Equipment for Governments, Defence Forces, Security Forces, NGOs and commercial customers all over the world. Franklin manufactures shelter tents for accommodation, command posts and field hospitals; CBRN tent liners; webbing and PLCE; camp beds and mosquito nets; camouflage nets and clothing and equipment for emergency relief and humanitarian aid.

The company has expanded but J & S Franklin remains a compact family-run business which guarantees reliability, continuity and confidentiality.

J & S Franklin has a reputation for delivering high quality products to our many customers and has successfully sought to understand and satisfy their precise requirements.

Experienced executives provide professional advice and frequent in-country visits with the support of highly trained and skilled staff and consultants.

J & S Franklin is a major Contractor to the UK Ministry of Defence as well the preferred supplier to many overseas Governments, Police Forces, International Agencies and the United Nations. It operates a quality management system assessed to the quality system standard BS EN ISO 9001:2008

J & S Franklin Manufacture a Wide Range of Equipment:

Military Tents and Shelters

Standard shelters and specialised units tailored for specific requirements

The GP shelter family are the mainstay of the UK MoD Improved Tented Camp (ITC) system and are extensively deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. They have a lightweight tubular frame providing high strength and stability. Being of modular design, they can be extended and joined for field hospitals or shelter complex.

Franklin also makes the shelters for the Operational Field Catering System (OFCS) and more than 1400 have now been supplied to the UK MoD. The OFCS Shelter is based on the standard 12’ x 12’ shelter tent, modified with heat-resistant fabrics and cut-outs in the roof for the OFCS cooker chimneys.

CBRN Equipment for collective and personal protection - CBRN protective liners are made of CBRN-resistant materials and Franklin manufactures a range of liners that can be designed to interface with various vehicles and containers.

Camp Equipment - Camp Cots, Cot mounted and free standing Mosquito Nets and folding chairs have all been supplied to MoD.

Camouflage Nets and Systems - Individual, IRR, Thermal

Webbing and Personal Equipment - Rucksacks and Travel Bags are currently being made as well as the shelter sheet in both woodland and desert camouflage patterns.

J & S Franklin is often the chosen partner to give a complete turnkey service, using its extensive facilities to deliver a Single Source Supply; combining rapid response, experience and confidentiality to provide economical, secure and effective solutions, on a global basis. We are experts in the provision of specialised turnkey operations, drawing together the many components needed to satisfy our customers requirements; the latest and most suitable equipment, experienced support personnel, full training packages, secure packaging and delivery services and, when necessary, finance, counter-trade and insurance.


In association with Terram J & S Franklin can also offer DefenCell™ which is an expeditionary earth filled barrier system to allow structures to be constructed from locally available compactable materials to allow the quick assembly of defensive and protective structures.


Franklin is also supplying the MoD with a range of full-size inflatable decoy targets for training. The inflatables offer realistic visual, radar and thermal image signatures and are rapidly deployed in less than 15 minutes and include Scud missile and launcher, T72 tanks and SA15/19 vehicles.


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Contact Details

Franklin House
151 Strand
United Kingdom

+44 20 7836 5746
+44 20 7836 2784


Cobham Mission Systems - Unmanned Systems

Telerob GmbH trading as Cobham Unmanned Systems is a leading provider of integrated homeland security solutions and unmanned platforms, utilizing over 30 years of expertise in this highly specialised field.
Cobham Unmanned System' mission is "To develop machines, equipment and systems that protect or replace human beings in situations where their presence would be either impossible or place them at great risk".

EOD / IEDD Equipment, EOD Robots and Service Vehicles

Whether the task at hand is disarming an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) with a remote controlled robot; investigating NBC hazards with an unmanned sensor platform; or deploying mobile, fully networked measurement, monitoring and intervention systems to ensure the safety and security of critical infrastructure, Cobham's top priority is always the protection of people and their surroundings.

Cobham Unmanned Systems' product range includes mobile unmanned sensor platforms with manipulators for taking samples of suspicious substances; vehicles equipped with state of the art robots for detecting and disarming of Improvised Explosive and Incendiary Devices (IED's); and integrated mobile systems for dealing with full spectrum of asymmetric threats.


Remote Controlled Robotic Solutions

More than 700 Cobham Unmanned systems are in service today, supporting bomb disposal officers and first responders in nations around the world.
Distance means safety; this basic rule with regard to disarming explosive devices means that bomb disposal officers increasingly prefer EOD Robots as their tool of choice.

Not only bomb disposal officers are exposed to a wide and varied range of hazards today; rescue forces and first responders increasingly get into situations that involve an extremely high level of personnel danger. Unmanned robotic systems have been developed to allow inspection and deal with hazards from a safe distance.

Building on this exceptional experience base, highly advanced solutions can be offered today; semiautonomous and remote controlled robots that can take samples of suspected biological or chemical warfare agents, plus reconnaissance platforms for CBRNE detection.

telemax Explosive Ordnance (EOD) Robot


The telemax robot is the most versatile EOD / Hazmat robot available on the market today. It packs up small enough to fit in the back of a small SUV but is able to reach over 2,4m tall.
A four-track running gear has been used for the first time in a vehicle of this size, which offers superior mobility compared to other forms of running gear. This means that it can handle gradients of 45° or 100% without difficulty. It can overcome obstacles of up to half a meter in height without problems and also trenches of 60 cm in width.

The basic principle of 'less is more' applies with special forces if the situation involves working in confined spaces; in all cases where the big EOD robot cannot be used its little brother provides that vital distance between the bomb disposal engineer and the explosive device (IED, EOD, Bomb) that can mean the difference between life and death: in aircraft, in subways, in buses or other means of public transport.

The telemax has a unique set of features making it highly mobile and suitable for operating in confined spaces; the four individually articulating tracks are controlled separately and can be moved individually in pairs or all together as desired. Additionally, an intelligent controller sets running gear configurations to cope with the relevant situation at the press of a button.

These features make it easier for the operator to control the vehicle, especially in tricky situations such as narrow stairways and high steps. Inclination sensors ensure that the robot always maintains its balance. If a travelling speed of 4 km/h is not enough, then the high speed version offers up to 10 km/h.

The operating concept of the telemax is almost revolutionary by comparison to other robots on the market. It is the only EOD robot in the world that has a so-called TCP controller. TCP stands here for Tool Center Point, the middle point of the tool, or more simply, the gripper or disruptor. This kind of manipulator control makes the telemax the best in class robot in manipulation.

telemax is the only robot in this class that has two tool magazines incorporated into the chassis. This means two additional tools / firing systems can be used on an operation without needing to go back to the starting point. The manipulator automatically takes out the additional tools at the simple press of a button.

NBCmax CBRNE Service Robot


The NBCmax service robot is a universal mobile sensor platform that can be equipped with a broad palette of sensors to detect and investigate chemical, biological, explosive or toxic substances (CBRNE).

Not only bomb disposal engineers are exposed to a wide and varied range of hazards today. Rescue forces and first responders such as the fire service, technical rescue specialists or international aid forces increasingly find themselves in situations that involve an extremely high level of personal danger. This includes operations that involve hazardous materials, toxic substances or even biologically harmful materials such as viruses or bacteria. Once such substances have been released-whether through accidents or intentionally-the rescue forces are exposed to maximum danger if working manually.

The NBCmax has been developed to allow the response forces to inspect, and if applicable deal with hazards from a safe distance. The data collected, ranging from gas concentration and gamma radiation through to evidence of explosives, is transmitted back to the control panel of the robot to be processed by the operator.

tEODor Explosive Ordnance (EOD) Robot


tEODor is an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) and observation robot that sets the standard worldwide.
Distance means safety; robust, reliable and flexible in use, the innovative bomb disposal system provides a maximum degree of safety and protection. The basic model is designed as a twin-track vehicle with extremely good manoeuvrability and good properties on open ground; the running gear, equipped with sprung rollers, is characterised by the ability to climb at angles of up to 45°. The individual links of the robust steel track can be easily replaced if they become worn or damaged.

The high-torque drive units work with continuous four-quadrant control, both backwards and forwards. Both the vehicle and the manipulator can be operated with extreme delicacy. When the vehicle stops on slopes or gradients the safety brakes operate automatically to hold the vehicle in place.

EOD - IEDD TEL600 Service Vehicles


The TEL600 series is a family of vehicles which deal with the demanding tasks associated with the location, identification and removal of explosive and incendiary devices, especially in the event that there is suspicion of a dirty bomb.
The range encompasses a compact Rapid Response (S) vehicle based on a fast four wheel drive (4X4) vehicle to take immediate action at the crime scene; medium-sized (M) search and detection vehicles for location and identification operations; and fully equipped IED / NBC response systems (L) weighing up to 8 tons.

The XL and XXL systems, based on medium-sized and heavy trucks, represent the highest standard in Bomb Disposal vehicles, providing security personnel with the optimum amount of equipment to cover every eventuality. Kit ranges from a simple hook and line set through to various EOD robots and unmanned reconnaissance platforms, all the way up to a NBC robot with a fully automatic system to take samples and investigate hazardous biological materials. Systems are made-to-order based on individual customer specifications.


The leading provider of EOD and IEDD tools, system and services made in Germany.


Telemax: High mobility, versatile manipulation and tool change capability combined in a small shape.


NBC-Max: Easy and reliable remote sampling and measurement of hazmat material.


tEODor: The heavy duty EOD robot with tool change capability.



EOD / NBC Service Vehicles: Designed to satisfy customer needs.



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Contact Details

Cobham Mission Systems - Unmanned Systems
telerob Gesellschaft fuer Fernhantierungstechnik mbH
doing business as Cobham Mission Equipment
Vogelsangstrasse 8
73760 Ostfildern

+49 711 3 41 02 0


AB Precision (Poole) Ltd

AB Precision (Poole) Ltd, (ABP) an integral part of the highly successful HWH Investments Group.  The current portfolio of bespoke engineering companies encompass operations in the United Kingdom, United States of America, Germany, Brazil, China, India and Australia, with a turnover in excess of £90 million (US$ 140 million).
Established in 1966, ABP designs and manufactures a wide range of homeland security products for Military,  Police and security end users worldwide including disruptors, robotic vehicles (ROV’s) and a range of EOD tools.

Many of ABP’s products are ‘in service’ with the UK MOD, including its long standing family of disruptors comprising Needle, Pigstick & Hotrod. In addition to our robotic vehicles, also in operation ‘in theatre’.

In recent years the disruptor products have been developed and expanded to include both recoilless and most recently lightweight versions.  These compliment the nature of today’s requirements to keep kit weight to a minimum whilst not compromising performance.

Military Disruptors:
Needle Plus Disruptor

A new development of the highly successful Needle.  Needle Plus has the advantage of a redesigned breach allowing simpler operation, in line with the Pigstick and Hotrod, also reducing training time.  The Needle Plus can also be deployed from a robot, mounted in a purpose designed stand or placed on a sandbag.  Also available in a lightweight version.  Needle can fire the Flying Scalpel to allow a non conductive ceramic blade to remotely cut a command wire or cable.

Needle Disruptor

A conventional disruptor designed to disrupt small envelopes, packages and items.  Can be deployed from a robot, mounted in a purpose designed stand or simply placed on a sandbag.  Also available in a lightweight version.  Needle can fire the Flying Scalpel to allow a non conductive ceramic blade to remotely cut command wire or cable.

Pigstick Disruptor

The disruptor of choice for many operators, used in the main training schools and deployed with forces worldwide the Pigstick is both simple to set up and easy to deploy.  Typically used against briefcases and small parcels etc.  A conventional disruptor which can be stand mounted or carried on an ROV.  A new lightweight version weighs only .93kg (stainless steel version 2.95kg) allows a team greater flexibility and the ability to carry less payload. Due to the recoil a new restraint parachute system has been introduced.

Hotrod Disruptor

The largest standard (1) disruptor in the conventional range.  Hotrod compliments both its smaller ‘family’ members (Needle and Pigstick) in providing the greatest capability for use against thicker walled packages, suitcases etc. Stand or ROV mounted to provide the ultimate power in a conventional disruptor.  A new lightweight version weighs only 1.6 kg (stainless steel version 3.5kg). Due to the recoil a new restraint parachute system has been introduced.

(1)    Other more powerful disruptors are available.

Please contact ABP for more information.

ABL2000 Disruptor

Introduced in 2009 (I think about 2004) the ABL2000 offers all the benefits of a Pigstick in terms of ease of use and operational characteristics but has the additional advantage of being 100% recoilless.  The ABL2000 can be simply fired off a sandbag, stand mounted or carried on a wide selection of ROV’s including Cyclops and Guardian.  A trained operator can set up the ABL2000 ready for firing in less than 2 minutes. A new lightweight version weighs only 1.6 kg (stainless steel version 3.2kg).


ABL3000 Disruptor

Proving a significant increase in performance over the ABL2000 this larger disruptor is suitable for dealing with Hotrod type targets but offering the advantages of a fully recoilless disruptor. The ABL3000 can be simply fired off a sandbag, stand mounted or carried on a wide selection of ROV’s including Cyclops and Guardian. A new lightweight version weighs only 3.2 kg (stainless steel version 4.2kg).

De-Armer/Stand Back Attack

By simply varying the front barrel the ABL2000 & ABL3000 can be used in two additional configurations.  A de-armer barrel allows the firing of slugs, fork and a blade whilst the SBA barrel permits up to a 5m stand off from a target.  Aiming is by a day visible laser fitted to the disruptor barrel.

Long Range Stand Back Attack

A development of the ABL3000 offering Stand back attack distances of up to 30 metres using a “Rifle Sight” aiming system which can be operated in manual mode (with local video display) or interface with the video system on an ROV providing a remote aiming capability. An infra-red light system is also available for covert night time use. Utilises standard ABL3000 de-armer barrel and standard ammunition.

Largest Recoil Reduced Disruptor ABL4000

ABP’s largest recoil reduced disruptor, only manufactured in titanium to keep the weight to a minimum.  The ABL 4000 is specifically designed to deal with the highest level targets where penetration of a thick walled device is required.

Mantis Ultra Lightweight Disposable Disruptor - ULDD

Mantis is an ultra lightweight disposable disruptor that defeats Improvised Explosive Devices (IED’s) with consistent reliability. Mantis performance is broadly comparable to Pigstick Performance. Mantis is designed for applications where weight and ease of deployment are critical such as Special Forces operations.

Scorpion Ultra Lightweight Disposable Disruptor - ULDD

Scorpion is an ultra lightweight disposable disruptor that defeats Improvised Explosive Devices (IED’s) with consistent reliability. Scorpion performance is broadly comparable to Hotrod Performance. Scorpion is designed for applications where weight and ease of deployment are critical such as Special Forces operations.

Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV)

Our Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) fleet includes the Cyclops - recent versions of which serve with the UK MoD as 'Chevette' - and the more recent addition the Guardian. Designed to work in confined spaces such as aircraft and trains, the Cyclops /Guardian have been developed enabling the mounting of up to four weapons, a manipulator or a combination of both, as well as real-time x-ray equipment and a variety of detectors including chemical and explosives vapour and radiation detectors.


Portable and compact, the addition of a big wheel kit to the standard Mk4D Cyclops and Guardian increases versatility and makes it suitable for use by rapid response teams in areas not accessible to the carrier vehicle. Both offer excellent stair climbing abilities and are controlled via either an RF link or fibre optic command cable.  Now available as fully digital platforms with COFDM radios.

Military De Armers

Dragon (ABL900) De-armer

The Dragon (ABL900) de-armer render a variety of air dropped munitions, land service ammunition and IED’s safe. This is achieved by projecting appropriately shaped steel slugs at high velocity into the fuzes or pistols of conventional munitions or into the bodies of IED’s.

Limpet Mine Disposal Equipment - LMDE

Limpet Mine Disposal Equipment has been specifically developed to disrupt thin cased mines typically attached to the hull or structure of a target vessel or installation. Based on the proven foundations of our Pigstick disruptor, the LMDE is supplied with a magnetic mounting stand and floats to allow deployment and attachment by a diver.

EOD Tools

Miniature Exploder (Minex)

Minex is a handheld exploder designed to initiate detonators such as the L2A1. Currently in use with the UK MoD and other Special Forces worldwide, the exploder is engineered to provide ease-of-use in challenging environments. Minex can be supplied with a Shock Tube Adaptor, enabling initiation of Non-Electric (Nonel) shock tube products for maximum operator flexibility.

Abrasive Water-Jet Cutting System (AWCS)

ABP’s AWCS is a high integrity, flexible cutting system currently in use by the UK MoD. Developed for use in Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) or other hazardous applications, the AWCS enables EOD operators to remotely carry out decommissioning operations on uncleared and unexploded munitions in a safe and controlled environment.  Specifically designed to work in harsh environments, including operation in hot and cold climates and up to three metres of seawater.

 Crimp Tool


In service with the UK MoD and security agencies around the world, the ABP Crimp Tool is designed to crimp detonators and igniters to safety fuses. Crimps Igniferous detonators to safety fuse with consistent reliability.  Design incorporates features to allow additional functionality as a wire stripper, wire cutter, screwdriver or rectifier.

Mine Prodder ABL700

The ABL700 is designed for locating Anti-Personnel Mines in situations where a magnetic device could detonate a mine. Currently in use with the UK MoD and security agencies around the world, the ABL700 is a popular military tool designed to withstand the rigors of today’s most challenging environments and can locates mines buried at depths of up to 250mm.

Non-Magnetic Toolkit

Designed for use with Unexploded Ordnances (UXO’s) where magnetic fields may increase the threat of detonation, the Non-Magnetic Toolkit delivers a comprehensive set of tooling for high-risk environments.  Non-Magnetic to eliminate risk of detonation in magnetic-sensitive environments.  Available as 36, 85 or 100 piece kit, can be requested in imperial, metric or both size standards, guaranteed against STANAG 2897 Annex C.

AB Precision (Poole) Ltd (ABP) is pleased to announce the recent acquisition by its parent company (HWH Investments) of 100% ownership of Advanced Detection Technology LLC ('ADT'). Located in Maiden, North Carolina, ADT is a world-renowned security and access control solutions manufacturer providing under-vehicle inspection systems, license plate recognition products, perimeter/facility access control systems and video surveillance solutions to a wide range of US and international customers.

Under Vehicle Inspection Systems

LowCam™ VI54

  • Portable Under Vehicle Inspection
  • Under 1 minute set-up!
  • Full PC, database capabilities
  • Remote, stand-off inspections
  • Portable and lightweight
  • Live viewing, playback controls

LowCam™ VI110

  • Single Image Under Vehicle Inspection
  • Communicate with Grasp
  • Under 3 minute set-up!
  • Single Image UVIS
  • Comparative Capabilities
  • Inspect vehicles up to 10mph

LowCam™ VI108

  • Portable Under Vehicle Inspection
  • Portable or fixed UVIS
  • Installed in 3 minutes!
  • License Plate Recognition Option
  • Remote, stand-off inspections
  • Inspect moving vehicles up to 10mph
  • Live viewing, quad or linear formats

LowCam™ VI104

  • Fixed, In-Ground Under Vehicle Inspection
  • Remote, Stand-off Inspections
  • Inspect Vehicles up to 10mph
  • Optional Air-Debris Removal
  • Day/Night Operation
  • Fast, Reliable Inspections

Other complimentary products available:

  • FastGate™ Access Control System
  • FastPlate™ License Plate Recognition Systems
  • ForeSight™ and SunVeillance™ Video Surveillance


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1 Fleets Lane
United Kingdom

+44 (0)1202 665000
+44 (0)1202 441666

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